BabyEinstein Guard | Sargi savu mazo Einšteinu jau bērnībā!

BabyEinstein Guard | Sargi savu mazo Einšteinu jau bērnībā!


Kas mēs esam/Who we are!

Darbojamies kā skolēnu mācību uzņēmums (SMU).

Mēs ražojam zīdaiņu/bērnu cepurītes, kurām pakauša daļā ir polsterējums, lai, kad mazulis sāk mācīties staigāt, krītot nesasitu galvu. Tas pagaidām ir vienīgais veids, kā pasargāt mazuļa galviņu no satricinājumiem pēc nokrišanas, pietam darīt to neuzkrītoši. Bez tam cepurītēm ir glīts dizains – polstera daļu izmantojam kā dizaina elementu, kas cepurītes padara pievilcīgas un interesantas.

Mūsuprāt, tas no galvas sāpēm atbrīvos ne tikai mazuļus, bet arī viņa vecākus, jo, kuram gan vecākam nav nepatīkami dzirdēt un redzēt, kā viņa bērns, mācoties staigāt, krīt un sasit galvu. Un tik bieža galviņas sasišana var būt arī kaitīga bērna veselībai, jo kritieni var izraisīt arī nopietnas galvas traumas, taču mūsu BabyEinstein Guard cepurītes pasargās mazuļus no tām.

BabyEinstein Guard cepurītes ir veidotas no ādai patīkama materiāla, tām ir lentītes, kuras apsiet ap zodu, lai cepurīte turētos savā vietā. Tās var tikt lietotas dažādās vietās – mājās, ciemos, citās mazuļu iestādēs, jo tām ir gaumīgs dizains, un tās var ļaut vecākiem vai citiem cilvēkiem, kas mazuli pieskata, nedaudz atslābt, jo, ja bērns valkā šo cepurīti, viņš var darboties brīvāk, un cilvēkam, kas viņu pieskata, nebūs visu laiku jāvēro bērns un jāskrien viņu ķert, ikreiz, kad viņš krīt.

Šīs cepurītes ir sava veida inovācija, jo pagaidām nekas tāds nav redzēts ne Latvijas, ne ārzemju tirgos.



We Work as Students Learning Company (SMU).

We produce baby caps which have a part of the back made of stylish designed cushion, because, when your baby begins to learn how to walk, he can lose his balance, and hurt his head by falling to back. Our caps is one of the ways how to protect your baby's head from painful hits on the ground, and protect it inconspicious. Also the caps are made of stylished and beautiful design - the part where is the cushion hidden, we use as design element, which makes the caps look attractive and interesting.

In our opinion, our caps will not only free baby's minds from headache, but also parents, because who does like to see and hear how baby, while trying to learn how to walk, falls and hurts his head. And often falls can also cause serious head injuries, so its harmful to the baby's health, so our BabyEinstein Guard cap will protect the baby from painful falls and head injuries.

BabyEinstein Guard caps are made from pleasing material for baby's skin, and have a ribbons which can tie around the baby's chin to keep the cap on the head. Caps are made for use in different places - in home, while parents ar watching something on TV, baby can play with toys, while cap is on, and parents can take a look to the baby not so often, or while visiting some friends or other baby establishment, because caps have a neat design. While cap is on the baby's head, the person who is looking after the baby can little bit more relax, and let the baby behave more freely, because there will be no need to run after the baby and catch him, whenever he falls, because head will be protected with BabyEinstein Guard cap if the baby will fall to the back.

Our caps are kind of innovation, because for the time being, something like that is haven't seen in Latvian or other country's markets.

2011-02-28 05:23  |  Skatīts: 7612x
